Straight men don't engage in sexual activity with other men

I only know my own sexuality. I'm in the 100% hetero ratio because it fits me. I don't have the attraction to men, nor the desire, and though I might find the rare come-ons flattering & not threatening, I do not change my mind when drunk, in a position to be anonymous or desperately horny. I've been around long enough to know this about myself.

Don't be discouraged.

Yet, according to "some", men like you do not exist. And I stand by what I said way back in this thread, that belief is usually steeped in misogynist/sexist beliefs that women just aren't good enough to keep a man sexually satisfied.
I'm always amused by how vehement so many people are about how sexual orientation, identity or preferences supposedly work.

For the record folks, the "straight"/"gay" or heterosexual/homosexual dichotomy that so many people take so seriously was invented in the early 20th century by followers of Freud in the medical and psychiatric professions. This and other supposedly scientific definitions of sexuality took over the role of traditional religion in imposing and enforcing specific ideas about sexual behavior as traditional religion declined in Western societies. Historically, human sexual desire and behavior have been far broader and more flexible than it now is under the societies of late capitalism and the forms of hegemony it's generated. Anyone interested in how these definitions came about might start by looking at George Mosse's The Culture of Western Europe, or a great little study by Steve Valocchi, "The Class-Inflected Nature of Gay Identify" at

I know from experience that many posters on LPSG rarely let facts, serious research, historical analysis or much else get in the way of what they want to think or feel. But it would be nice if a least once in a while they would bring something more than intellectual vacuousness to a discussion. Otherwise, please just stick to looking at and commenting on the big dicks pics.
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Most people identify men married to women as straight even if they are bisexual and few people are 100% homosexual or 100% heterosexual but bisexual seems to be a dirty word and most people think of depraved bisexuals who will have sex with everything that moves but maybe "straight" and "gay" can apply to bisexuals that are at least 90% heterosexual or 90% homosexual?
I don't see what is inherently wrong about labeling people, things, or practices. Can someone explain what I'm missing? Why is it immoral or at least a faux pas to say "That guy's prior behavior has led me to this conclusion about his sexuality"? To name something is not to belittle or condemn it. What's in a name?
I don't see what is inherently wrong about labeling people, things, or practices. Can someone explain what I'm missing? Why is it immoral or at least a faux pas to say "That guy's prior behavior has led me to this conclusion about his sexuality"? To name something is not to belittle or condemn it. What's in a name?

As people have been saying on this thread for months, there is a great deal of prejudice against gay people, and now, it seems, against people who identify as bisexual (we are sluts and fuck anything that moves). So I disagree with you that "naming" something or someone as bisexual for example IS very much condemning or at least being critical of that person. Make sense? :smile:
I don't see what is inherently wrong about labeling people, things, or practices. Can someone explain what I'm missing? Why is it immoral or at least a faux pas to say "That guy's prior behavior has led me to this conclusion about his sexuality"? To name something is not to belittle or condemn it. What's in a name?

A very reasonable question and statement. My response would be that there's nothing at all factually wrong or otherwise objectionable in saying "Tom only likes women since he only dates women." It should be remembered though, that creating existential categories like "Tom is heterosexual" makes "heterosexual" into just that -- an existential category that's then easily used to validate, stigmatize, reward or punish people according to whether or not they conform to the expectations of that category. Although I'm agnostic about such claims, some argue that categories like "heterosexual" or "homosexual" themselves create the behaviors they define (strictly defined sexual preferences), that did not exist before the inventions of the terms and categories themselves; and that human sexuality was more fluid in pre-capitalist bourgeois societies and its values. Sexuality still is in other societies and among social classes not fully assimilated in said values of late-capitalist bourgeois society and its hegemony.

The human brain probably is innately inclined toward categorization and the search for causal links, but we know enough about how social power and social control works to balance that tendency with critical examinations of how defining people by these categories quickly becomes a tool of social domination and control.
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I think that a very big part of the problem, is the fact that most people from what I can judge, assimilate sexual orientation (people you are emotionally attracted to) with sexual practices (people you have sex with).
Of course, in most cases it is identical, or very similar. But it can also be different.
Hence you can have a guy who is emotionally attracted to women, will never fall in love with a guy... but has sex with guys regularly.

It happens.
And it may be that due to this assimilation, some people who are straight in terms of sexual orientation, negate their sexual attraction to the same sex as an anomaly.
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Some straight men do, but they will say that they were "really, really drunk". In reality, both men are "really, really gay".

Reality is something many people don't like to face up to as their life would change and they would end up giving up something they like in a straight life. I think I could call them maybe "bi sexual"?
Reality is something many people don't like to face up to as their life would change and they would end up giving up something they like in a straight life. I think I could call them maybe "bi sexual"?

I have met my share of married men, who have said that if young in this time, they would have dated men, not women; yet, they stay married, and, quietly engage in gay sex. Given feelings like those, I prefer to think of them as gay.
I have met my share of married men, who have said that if young in this time, they would have dated men, not women; yet, they stay married, and, quietly engage in gay sex. Given feelings like those, I prefer to think of them as gay.

I See, I don't know any men who AFAIK do this sort of thing in my life. I just read about it here and other places. My wife and I have been together 47 years and I love her very much but if anything ever happens and I don't have her, I would never marry another women. I would have a woman in my life for the sex. There are still many older ladies out there that still look for sex. They are not looking for anything else. We might even travel the USA a bit. A Female is difficult to live with much of the time. Had this marriage not stayed together and we divorced I would never married again. I would have maybe lived with a woman till I could not stand it anymore and then moved on and found another. I just don't see myself looking for men so I can suck their penis or they suck my penis. I experienced a male sucking my penis 2 times in my earlier life. It just was not my thing. With the incident I got my Missouri State Drivers Licence to drive. That gave me all the opportunity to get Females and more sex in my life.:)
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I know a couple of guys who insist they're straight, but do MMF threesomes involving girlfriends. This isn't having sexual activity with other men? What about a DP fuck — one hard cock in her pussy, the other in her ass? The two cocks are rubbing against each other inside of her. Doesn't this feel good? It does to me when I do it. The homosexual component is obvious
I know a couple of guys who insist they're straight, but do MMF threesomes involving girlfriends. This isn't having sexual activity with other men? What about a DP fuck — one hard cock in her pussy, the other in her ass? The two cocks are rubbing against each other inside of her. Doesn't this feel good? It does to me when I do it. The homosexual component is obvious

I've done an MMF DP and I don't know, I was getting off more on the feeling of my dick digging deep in her ass than anything else. It was a fun experience.

My roommate on the other hand definitely didn't mind my balls slapping against him when he was down there on the bottom in her pussy, so there's that...if the situation was reversed I would probably get turned off, it was already uncomfortable at the start when I realized that my balls were slapping not only just against the girl we were fucking, but i got over it when the pleasure started to kick in. At that point I just wanted to pound her thick ass, pull her hair and whisper nasty shit into her ear.

Overall though, it really is a sex act between three people, you are right...but it depends on the person and what they get out of it in my opinion.
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There are a lot of men who are a shade of bisexual or who are gay but can pass for straight in terms of mannerisms and other interests etc. The problem is that they don't know how they fit into society because the world is still so polarized into gay or straight.

Still to this day, there is a cost to being open about your bisexuality or homosexuality. Far less than before but a price all the same. So these people often take the straight label because that is the "easy" option.

Really what needs to happen is for there to be greater representation of these people in the public eye. Not as a gimmicky thing or a novelty. Just that it's normal to fuck men and it has nothing to do with anything else in your life.