Summertimejames BBC


#Interracial #Transgender


toxic_reformed not only is this princess wasted on a rapeape, it also has a smaller tool than her. One of the biggest shames to ever happen
Yessiritsurboy Go touch grass
Tyler480 Bro you’re a loser
toxic_reformed nothing more loser than worshipping the most unaccomplished species on the planet, that will go to jail for 5$ or 1 word. Seethe, mooncrickets
Tyler480 realistically youre the only one seething buddy lol
toxic_reformed i speak my mind and im free, u should try it, feels great
Yessiritsurboy Nobody is worshipping anything, you’re obviously just jealous lol. Loser
BungieDik Bro sounds jealous 😭😭
Bigbootysearcher @toxic_reformed unaccomplished species ?? Says the white devil that has held back Black's I. Africa an America , burned Black's cities n America an them lies an says "unaccomplished " kill yourself , id rape you
[deleted] Trans porn has the most unhinged comments ever lmaoo
toxic_reformed Nogs still eat eachother in africa, havent built a boat or a bath something Europeans did 5000 years ago or more. Sub 60 IQ, eat mud, wash themself in piss, 0 impulse control so they rape anything that moves. Go to jail for 1 word or traffic stops.
toxic_reformed when 13% of population commit 95% of all interracial crime, 30 thousand rapes per year in just 1 country (White men rape literall 0 cases of blck women per year), 60% of overall crime etc. Burnt blacks cities? You mean like BLM did to all Whitecities
toxic_reformed How inferior do you have to be to be "held back" in your own continent where theres 2 billion of u? Literally build something more than a mud hut and advance past stone age fkin ape. And america - they shouldnt even be there.Jews brought themasslaves
toxic_reformed monkey too retarded to tell apart a jewkike from a European and thinks its europeans holding them back. Educate yourself. Even blck cultural leaders say "our people are too dumb to get it, so they never improve". Malcolm X;Tony Martin;Louis Farrakhan
T______ brother shit!!! What is all this? You're frustrated man. Visit a psychiatrist or marry a black man once and for all so he can use you for rape...💀
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