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Kagerou Daze (light novel)
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Jun 14, 2014 8:24 PM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
pakoko said:
EpicCh33se said:

hell no, stop that incest, not there was!!!. Shion was not locked up all time in that house, she lived with her father and once died her father, she lived with human, she found a man who loved, and had Mary, most likely that once her husband died, return to her home with her daughter to protect her.

Actually, Tsukihiko would have died when Shion was still a toddler. If Shion had a child as toddler, Mary and her would look the same age, but they don't. I remember reading somewhere that Shion ages every 100 years, and Mary ages every 10 years.

So could the past version of Seto or that Seto look-alike that came to hunt the monster be the father? In which case Seto and Marry would be cousins/siblings?[/quote]
I highly doubt that Seto's relative (The fandom has called him that) had a baby with Shion... since there is no evidence of it. I don't think there was any connection between Seto's relative and Shion. I believe it was just to show that members of their family has met before.
ZelotJun 14, 2014 8:28 PM
Jun 14, 2014 8:26 PM

Oct 2012
pakoko said:
So could the past version of Seto or that Seto look-alike that came to hunt the monster be the father? In which case Seto and Marry would be cousins/siblings?

Wait, what? That was Seto visiting Mary about ten years ago. Seto would have aged about ten years present, and Mary would have aged about one.

EDIT: Oh, okay, never mind. I misunderstood.

Actually, it couldn't be. Shion was still a toddler, and would still be a toddler when Seto's ancestor died.
EpicCh33seJun 14, 2014 9:24 PM
Jun 14, 2014 8:29 PM

Jan 2014
This (so far) has to be the best episode that I've seen. I learnt stuff about Azumi that I didn't know before. It was overall a great episode. Here's hoping that Mekakucity Actors, will end with a bang!
Jun 14, 2014 8:39 PM

Aug 2013
kurosaki344 said:
A nicely done episode, cover was made well too. I guess only thing that gave me some doubts was the black/white screen tone at the start. By the looks of it we might get Outer Science next week, since we heard Ayano's father do some rather odd explanations to "someone" in the preview. I feel like shit is about to get real, guess we'll wait and see.


Already been confirmed numerous times

Any episode with Marry is a good episode. Pretty much all I have to say about this episode.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details. Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
ZelotJun 15, 2014 12:52 PM
Jun 14, 2014 9:07 PM

Oct 2011
Great episode about Mary. Pieces are coming together
Jun 14, 2014 9:24 PM

Jun 2013
nicely done though still confused with some stuff

gotta rewatch to make it clear
Jun 14, 2014 10:02 PM

Oct 2013
Btw dat cover was brilliant. So good.
Jun 14, 2014 10:15 PM
Nov 2011
ShintaroX said:
Alright episode. Imagination Forest being what got me into Kagepro I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at this episode. It was good, but I just don't feel the same atmosphere that the song/video achieved if that makes sense?
Anyway, it was still a good ep and the insert song was great as usual. I didn't get why they showed Seto with one headphone plugged in before Mary having both though.. Moon-viewing Recital next!

Oh, about the part where Seto was with one earphone, i think he was explaining her how it worked o.o Like "You put it on your ear like that and BAM!", "hã????", *puts earphones on Mary's ears*
Jun 14, 2014 10:18 PM

Aug 2013
Great episode, Mary's so cute!
I feel bad for Azami and her family, so much awful stuff happened to them ;_; people should just get to know them better.
wow gay
Jun 14, 2014 10:19 PM

Dec 2010
Mekakucity Actors is a very, very, very strange show. Its confusing in many regards, and has so many different plot threads going on. But, I'm loving it! The first 3 episodes I loved, and then it slowed, and my interest began to wane, but everyone is connected in interesting ways, and all of the many plot threads are incredibly interesting! They reveal a bit each time, and make you want more all at the same time. I wish each episode was an hour long, or more because I want to know everything about this world.

However, I don't see anyway for them to wrap up the series in 2 episodes. Especially when the source material is still running. I hope we get a second season though because the intrigue is hard to handle!

As for the actual episode, this was what I was waiting for. Marry's backstory, I've been wanting to know what's up with her, and with the exception of a few spoilers, I didn't really know. So I take it the snake is the one that is causing all the problems? Poor Kana Hanazawa and her snake issues...

I really like Seto and Marry together, so it was nice seeing their meeting, particularly when the music took over as he showed her how to use the iPod.

Wonder what we will get in the next episode?
Jun 14, 2014 11:30 PM

Jan 2014
It was one sad story after another. Azami showing off her powers was great, then Shion getting in on the action a decade later was tragic. I was excited when Mary made her appearance. Shion sacrificing herself to save Mary, I was not ready for that.

Really enjoyed the mystery of this show so far, and it's sad that there are only two episodes left, as I'm craving for more character progression. Cannot wait to start on the light novels once this has finished airing.

Jun 15, 2014 12:11 AM

Jul 2012
So we finally got some flashbacks of the monster through Marry her granddaughter.

Great episode!!!
Jun 15, 2014 12:18 AM

Aug 2013
I can say about this episode that I liked the development, but the doubts remain
but only has two more episodes, do not know if all questions will be answered but I hope the anime explain more things
sometimes I feel that the plot is left, but it must be because I did not know about the songs and LN
I'm only concerned if the final will be good ..
Jun 15, 2014 12:37 AM
Oct 2011
I loved the music that played during the conversation between Marry and Konoha. So trippy, so dreamy.
Can't wait to see next episode
Jun 15, 2014 12:51 AM

Nov 2011
so how was mary born?
Hate Keeps me warm
Jun 15, 2014 1:24 AM

Oct 2012
So every single episode taking place in the present happened on the same day, August 15 of some certain year. However, at the end of this episode, the news announcer said it was midnight, making it August 16. I'm not sure if it was a mistranslation from the subs I watched, but this might be important.
Jun 15, 2014 1:30 AM

Dec 2011
Wow, such a sad past for Azami, Shion and Mary... Azami using all the eye powers was so cool though.

Omg Otsukimi Recital next!! Then I realized it's the last episode after that. I wonder if they'll go for the good end (STR) or the bad one (OS)..... Ahhhhhhh
Jun 15, 2014 1:50 AM
May 2014
So much feels in this episode, god damn snakes.
Marry is really really cute, I love her hair and everything.
I hope there will be season 2.
Jun 15, 2014 1:58 AM

Jul 2013
I'm pretty impress about this episode, focusing on Marry's backstory, and how she grew up and survive through her past. Also the soundtrack and the story is on point on several places. Great episode Shaft :D.

Jun 15, 2014 2:04 AM

May 2013
Welp, time to know more about Azami and Marry. I think the Snake's voice was kinda like Mamoru Miyano? Idk, just a thought.

Poor Shion ;-;
The world shall know the truth soon.
Jun 15, 2014 2:11 AM
Jan 2011
Azami was such a badass! Her bgm is so awesome!

Aichiro said:
LMAO holy shit I just realized the incest thing.

There is no incest. Any insinuation of it offends me!
KanameFujiwaraJun 15, 2014 2:19 AM
Jun 15, 2014 2:15 AM

Jan 2012
This was a good episode, but i was not expecting it to be that tragic. And does anyone know the song that was playing during the indecent with Tsukihiko?
Jun 15, 2014 2:55 AM

May 2010
Azami has a more powerful voice than I imagined. Loved her powers.

Wait... did I just see Seto? Wait, that's it for Azami? That's why she left? I expected something more concrete...

I honestly don't like Shaft way of doing things, it seems more like a play. Like the characters are just showing off their hair and all...

Well, I am not the one to complain... I still think that this episode was the best so far. But it was super-rushed... God, why only 12 episodes? It is a massacre..

Did I just hear Kuroha?

Oh, male vocals for Imagination Forest, eh? I think female ones would have worked better but I still loved it a lot. Tantan time!

I felt for Mary 100x more in the song. Really. It is one of my fav. KagePro songs...

Man, I want a remake. One which series deserves. Not this. Such a shame...

They are gonna do Otsukimi Recital? Whoa. I really appreciate that cuz it's my faav. KagePro song and all but... can they really afford it?
Jun 15, 2014 4:01 AM

Dec 2013
Milenart said:
ShintaroX said:
Alright episode. Imagination Forest being what got me into Kagepro I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at this episode. It was good, but I just don't feel the same atmosphere that the song/video achieved if that makes sense?
Anyway, it was still a good ep and the insert song was great as usual. I didn't get why they showed Seto with one headphone plugged in before Mary having both though.. Moon-viewing Recital next!

Oh, about the part where Seto was with one earphone, i think he was explaining her how it worked o.o Like "You put it on your ear like that and BAM!", "h�£????", *puts earphones on Mary's ears*

Yeah I totally see it now, think I just had the PV in my head, so was a little confused (Seto gave the headphones straight to her in that). Well spotted though!
Jun 15, 2014 4:11 AM

Apr 2014
The albinos are strong in this anime. XD So many of them...!

Oof... Not sure if I like the animation this episode... Felt quite lazy at points... And those freakin' ugly backgrounds...

Wait, Past!Seto...? Lolwhut, what was he doing there?! XD

Heh, that snake sounds an awful lot like a certain Mamoru Miyano... Nudge nudge, wink wink, ifyougetmydrift. ;)

Seriously though, that snake is an asshole. XD

Wait, where the heck did Shintaro go? Did he just spaz out and leave?

Uh-oh, was kinda worried when Marry found Konoha... The pose he was sitting in looked awfully familiar...

Yay Konoha is back!!!!! I missed the lil' f**ker... Adorably derpy as ever. I'll be your friend, Konoha...

Hmmm... Preview doesn't sound very Otsukimi Recital-like... And that was Kenjiro talking, right? He also sounded like a certain Snake-san... *proceeds to do more nudging, followed by winking and ifyougetmydrift-ing*
Jun 15, 2014 4:20 AM
SetoMary Fanatic

Jun 2013
InTheOtherWorld said:

Oof... Not sure if I like the animation this episode... Felt quite lazy at points... And those freakin' ugly backgrounds...

Ugly backgrounds??
I thought the backgrounds looked amazing.
They had a great pastel feel about them.

Look at the different pressures of lighter shades applied throughout the background and foreground

sure I have a softspot for pastel... but a lot of other people have said they thought this art style was pretty and the backgrounds during these parts were some of the best for this show
Jun 15, 2014 4:40 AM

Apr 2014
Zelot said:
InTheOtherWorld said:

Oof... Not sure if I like the animation this episode... Felt quite lazy at points... And those freakin' ugly backgrounds...

Ugly backgrounds??
I thought the backgrounds looked amazing.
They had a great pastel feel about them.

Look at the different pressures of lighter shades applied throughout the background and foreground

sure I have a softspot for pastel... but a lot of other people have said they thought this art style was pretty and the backgrounds during these parts were some of the best for this show

The backgrounds during the song sequence were quite pretty in terms of colouring, but (and this was during the insert song sequence too) the backgrounds are just so large and empty, and Shaft always make the rooms really big and the people really small... It's just so unnatural and cold, and more than anything, empty... It just feels really flat and unrealistic to me, and not in the good way.

And during non-insert song animation, the colouring style they use is just so bland and simple. And the lines are all so straight and perfect, it doesn't have any unusual quirks or touches, it feels all computer-generated (I know it is, but other studios use the same techniques and still make it look good). I mean, look at it...!

I like the backgrounds having a more realistic feel to them, rather than this abstract emptiness that most of the backgrounds in Shaft animes have.
Jun 15, 2014 4:42 AM

Oct 2013
nice ep. snakes everywhere
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Jun 15, 2014 6:03 AM

Sep 2010
Imagination Incest.... yay.....
Jun 15, 2014 6:25 AM

May 2013
It's sad how Azami had to go for the sake of Shion and Tsukihiko. But hey, she was awesome using all the eye abilities.

Poor Shion. She just couldn't take the toll of using her eye ability. It's good that Azami gave Mary her life back.
So that's how Seto and Mary met. Nice to see that they're both alike in some ways.

Pretty good episode. Showed a lot.
Jun 15, 2014 7:18 AM

Jan 2010
Best shot episode, many revelations (even now waiting them) and a dramatic charge to Key, Marry level gradually becomes the center of the plot, and once again the song the MV was too much, can not wait for the cd to download , _;
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the
Jun 15, 2014 8:17 AM
Nov 2011
For the people talking about incest, PLEASE STOP! Like, some of you can dont know, but it's almost imposible. I dont think it's a spoiler since we all know that Azami is immortal. So like, Shion and Mary age really slowy if you compare them to human. Mary is 1/4 Medusae and she ages 1 year for each 10 years(she is 140 years old), so there is Shion, she is 1/2 Medusae, so the logic is that she ages one year each 100 years(dont know her age, tho), but I dont know if she aged faster while a child or whatever, because she looked like a small child(like 3/4 years old) when Tsukihiko was still alive. (maybe she ages at the same rate as Mary?) So, until Shion had enough age for having a child Tsukihiko would already be dead(or at least like a really old man if Shion ages at the same rate as Mary).

My guess is that after Tsukihiko died from age, Shion lived homeand had her little adventure outside, feel in love with a human, got pregant, lived with him until he died(there is a man besides Shion in the original PV when she is explainig Mary that they are Medusae), and then lived alone with Mary.
Sorry for my bad english. And it's just my opinion, I dont think there was incest.
Jun 15, 2014 8:23 AM

Apr 2014
Milenart said:
For the people talking about incest, PLEASE STOP!

Amen to that. It's unnerving. Before posting this kind of thing, think of doing such acts to your own family. XD Would you like to do that? No? Well, don't suggest it then.

I think Marry's father was probably foreign, some kind of Westerner. I mean, she has blonde hair and an English name in a Japanese country...
Jun 15, 2014 8:33 AM

Nov 2013
Milenart said:
My guess is that after Tsukihiko died from age, Shion lived homeand had her little adventure outside, feel in love with a human, got pregant, lived with him until he died(there is a man besides Shion in the original PV when she is explainig Mary that they are Medusae), and then lived alone with Mary.
Sorry for my bad english. And it's just my opinion, I dont think there was incest.

Well, considering that:
* The moment Azami went outside they were ready to kill her.
* Even after all those years, the moment Marry went outside they were also calling her a monster while ready to kill her and Shion just because of the color of her hair.
* Both Shion and Marry share the same color of hair.
* Shion was made to never use her powers by Azami.

So it doesn't look like Shion could stand even a peaceful day outside of the tower, let alone having a happy adventure with another man...

Edit: That's why I said this before:
DarkMoonWolf said:
Considering she's been stuck inside that tower, either it was incest, or it was the so called "immaculate conception" I guess...

So let's just say that Marry was born of "immaculate conception" and be done with it... Hell, you can even say that her snake went into the hole for all I care, but no one can deny that Shion was not able to leave the tower without being persecuted to death as a monster while not being able to use any of the Medusa powers she had to protect herself. Basically if she went outside, she would die!!

I'm more interested is to know how did they get food and other supplies... even during Azumi time...

C'mon were they growing them inside of the tower?? Making them magically appear?? We already know that when she went to the village people would try to kill her so... I guess she didn't went there many times. Even Tsukihiko went there once and was "secured for his own safety". There was no way Shion and Tsukihiko were able to go to the village after that since neither of them could use any powers (Azami told Shion to never use her powers).

DarkMoonWolfJun 15, 2014 9:26 AM
Personal tastes are like peoples behinds, each one has its own,
and only those who wants to find [...] will smell one another.

Jun 15, 2014 9:00 AM

Nov 2012
I'm going to assume the Seto we saw in the beginning was an ancestor. It was most likely fanservice, considering Azami used the same ability that is later acquired by Seto.

Thank god we finally got to hear evil Mamoru Miyano! I was beginning to think it would never happen.

Souzou Forest wasn't exactly my favorite song in the series, but I think this is my favorite episode so far. 10/10

EDIT: Also, did anyone else think of Kano when the rabbit appeared?
DarkhurJun 15, 2014 9:22 AM
Jun 15, 2014 9:55 AM

Dec 2010
Great episode, everything was right this time. The moment when Marry and Seto was so touching, one of the best moments of the season.

Plot also thickens. That's good for a change.
Jun 15, 2014 9:59 AM
Mar 2011
I love stories like this witha monster girl anda normal human, I wish they would of expanded on it.
If anyone knows of any other stories like this monster girl/human guy send me a p.m,
Other then that i also found the kid thing unusual. It sucks that this will end in 2 weeks what is the original source material manga or light novel?
Jun 15, 2014 11:04 AM

Jul 2012
Yay, Marry background!
Jun 15, 2014 11:34 AM

Apr 2014
DarkMoonWolf said:
I'm more interested is to know how did they get food and other supplies... even during Azumi time...

In the fourth novel it is said that Marry didn't eat anything at all whilst she lived at the house, only drinking water. I can assume that the same is for Shion and Azami. Because they are not human they do not age the same, nor do they need to eat. ^^

As for Tsuhikiho, even if he were in a family of monsters I'm sure he would have been able to be allowed back into the village from time to time just to be able to get food. Not all of the village must have had a death wish for the Gorgons, and Tsuhikiho must've had family there that would supply him with food, I suppose.
Jun 15, 2014 11:57 AM

May 2012
sheidesu said:
WHUUUT. The snake's voice was Miyano Mamoru right? I'm sure. But Haruka's also Mamo-chan... And, Marry's eye color is the same as Haruka's... Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

That part also got me confuse since he is voicing the snake... strange.. but anyway, glad to hear the evil voice of Miyano Mamoru again. Last that I heard of his villain voice is from Gatchaman Crowds in which he really voiced perfectly.
Jun 15, 2014 3:22 PM
Nov 2011
rebelakuma said:
sheidesu said:
WHUUUT. The snake's voice was Miyano Mamoru right? I'm sure. But Haruka's also Mamo-chan... And, Marry's eye color is the same as Haruka's... Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

That part also got me confuse since he is voicing the snake... strange.. but anyway, glad to hear the evil voice of Miyano Mamoru again. Last that I heard of his villain voice is from Gatchaman Crowds in which he really voiced perfectly.

Jun 15, 2014 3:30 PM

Jan 2014
For me this show seems to beyond the point of redeeming itself.

The series so far was just too bad to actually care for any of the characters. And the animation style isn't really helping, either. It's just too poorly done compared to Monogatari and makes it hard to feel any immersion whatsoever. Thus, this whole episode didn't really do anything for me.

Not sure if I had liked the story and its twists more if presented in a better fashion, but judging by the anime alone I wasn't really impressed with any of that. Expected a lot more and not seeing how it could get any better from here.

I was especially irritated by the monster's / Shion's mother's egoistic decision to leave the two behind. Sure, they were treated badly by other humans but who cares? They wouldn't meet any humans in that newly created world, so that's not really an issue. They could have lived happily ever after, but instead she overreacts and runs off on her own. Probably my biggest issue with this episode's plot.

Nah, whatever. Still interested to see how they are planning to wrap things up with the two episodes the have left.
Jun 15, 2014 4:04 PM

Nov 2012
tyrolizard1 said:
I love stories like this witha monster girl anda normal human, I wish they would of expanded on it.
If anyone knows of any other stories like this monster girl/human guy send me a p.m,
Other then that i also found the kid thing unusual. It sucks that this will end in 2 weeks what is the original source material manga or light novel?

The source is actually a series of songs, however there are manga and light novel adaptations as well. The manga and light novels are titled "Kagerou Days", whereas the song series is known as the "Kagerou Project".

There is also a Drama CD being released soon bundled with a limited edition copy of the "daze" album.
DarkhurJun 15, 2014 4:09 PM
Jun 15, 2014 5:59 PM

May 2014
Well, it was so very fine to see Azami's (aka Bakemono's) story in the great artwork I utterly love in this anime. And although I didn't really like Marry at first, I think I'll probably regard her more, since she's been through so much. (Who doesn't like characters with painful backgrounds, right?!)

This was, thanks to the awesome beginning and kind-of-new Marry/Seto shipp, one of the best episodes of this show.

*PS: It was also nice not to continue the portrayal of Azami (aka Bakemono) as a mean character/villain, as I gather they did on the last episode.
Jun 15, 2014 10:02 PM

Jun 2013
Holy crap, my mind is swirling. These past couple episodes have been opening my eyes as to why the Kagerou Project has such a huge following. I really need to check it out once this is done. There are some beautiful things going on here. I think Shaft's artistic touch really works for a series like this, too.

Marry + Haruka + Evil Snake = O_________________O
-Trippwire-Jun 15, 2014 10:07 PM
Jun 15, 2014 10:17 PM

Oct 2011
Damn those eye powers are awesome!!!

She used Kano, Kido, Seto, and Momo powers. I wonder what Hibiya, Ene, Shintaro and Konoha's powers are like?

What a sad story for Marry. Shion getting killed and same with Azami.
Marry has the Queen inside her.

Glad Seto came and they became friends.

Konoha will see Ene OMG!!!

What happen to Shintaro. Wasn't he in the same room with Marry before LTM ep? He's gone?

Evil Snake >>> Konoha?

In the story: Marry says her friends died? Does that mean everyone in Mekakushi Dan dies???

Who is Kuroha? Cause of everything? Saw this name popped up in my tumblr.

Hope the remaining episodes answers my questions
Jun 15, 2014 10:36 PM

Apr 2012
Finally we get a good episode.
My Reviews and Rants:

Jun 15, 2014 11:17 PM
Nov 2011
tyrolizard1 said:
I love stories like this witha monster girl anda normal human, I wish they would of expanded on it.
If anyone knows of any other stories like this monster girl/human guy send me a p.m,
Other then that i also found the kid thing unusual. It sucks that this will end in 2 weeks what is the original source material manga or light novel?

There is a anime called Natsume Yuujinchou, I dont know if you have watched it already, it dont focus on a monster+human love, but it tell several stories and some of them envolve the theme, this anime is pure beauty -w- there are 4 seasons of 12/13 episodes.
Jun 15, 2014 11:27 PM
Nov 2011
AnimeFan500 said:
Damn those eye powers are awesome!!!

She used Kano, Kido, Seto, and Momo powers. I wonder what Hibiya, Ene, Shintaro and Konoha's powers are like?

What a sad story for Marry. Shion getting killed and same with Azami.
Marry has the Queen inside her.

Glad Seto came and they became friends.

Konoha will see Ene OMG!!!

What happen to Shintaro. Wasn't he in the same room with Marry before LTM ep? He's gone?

Evil Snake >>> Konoha?

In the story: Marry says her friends died? Does that mean everyone in Mekakushi Dan dies???

Who is Kuroha? Cause of everything? Saw this name popped up in my tumblr.

Hope the remaining episodes answers my questions

And please don't look for any kagepro thing on tumblr, the spoilers go wild in there, like seriouly, don't look there. Kuroha is a nickname we gave to ***********. Can't say, spoiler.
Jun 16, 2014 12:25 AM
Jul 2018
Wow, I love the episode this time.
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